Initial Reading
The Initial reading (= Natal reading) is where you start your journey. It is a one hour/hour and half comprehensive analysis of your natal chart, which illuminates your potentials and challenges. It can include a deeper understanding of yourself, of your inherent qualities and shortcomings, and of your purpose in life. We will look into your career, finances, health, relationships, etc. It can give you an understanding of timing, i.e., why and when certain events took place in your life. You can also learn about what to expect in the coming years. You will gain an overview of where you are now, what is best to focus on and where is best to put your energy.
Initial reading sets the foundation from which all other tools of Jyotish shine forth.
This first reading is essential for all new clients.
All other Jyotish services come as follow-up readings/services. During these follow-up reading each area of life can be discussed, one by one and in more depth, and you can find answers to your specific questions.
Also available as a gift certificate for your friends and family.