Newsletter archive
2.5.2024 – To act or not to act
Listen to the guidance of Jupiter more than the obsessed Mars.
5.4.2024 – Solar Eclipse reminder
Not the time for wordly activites, but perfect for focusing within.
24.3.2024 – The Eclipses reminder
In case you have been feeling anxious or tense…
26.01.2024 – Mars is getting active
Active is great, but patient and active is better
05.01.2024 – New light new life
Slowly slowly, but forward at last
20.12.2023 – Reflecting on the now
Not much to say… just be
12.12.2023 – Change is the only constant
Today is a new Moon. Relaxing and observing change can be fun.
27.10.2023 – Read quickly, but act slowly
This unpocoming Lunar Eclipse has a punch
09.10.2023 – The wonders of Moon
May the inner light be the our guide as we navigate the upcoming eclipses.
10.08.2023 – Venus in Cancer – an emotioal beauty
Get back to serenity…
06.07.2023 – It’s getting hot in here
This Saturn-Mars combo is not the time to go fast.
04.05.2023 – It is not just a full Moon
It can be friendly, if we let go…
21.04.2023 – What a day
It is all happening as we speak. Sit back, relax and enjoy the change.
15.12.2022 Change of the guard
As the saying goes, as above so below….
12.10.2022 Venus goes under
Venus and Sun are on break as we enter the Eclipse season.
26.07.2022 – It’s getting explosive
Make sure you don’t have a short fuse.
28.06.2022 – The sweet Venus is strong
The blessing of Venus turns everything to magic. While Saturn keeps it real.
14.05.2022 – Lunar eclipse on this Full Moon Monday.
The only path to travel is inward in the next few days.
26.04.2022 – Ch-ch-ch-ch-Changes!
Major astrological shifts are uneasy. But in change there’s always a great potential.
12.02.2022 – Make love, not war
It is a month of Planetary War and we have to be strong and relaxed.
20.01.2022 – Mercury retrograde is not to blame.
Retrogression is a time when we get to correct and review, thus gaining strength as a result.
31.12.2021 – Happy New Year
May you have health, insights and friends everywhere.
18.11.2021 – Two eclipses are testing us
Choose calm and reflected, instead of the up and down of it all.
15.09.2021 – Jupiter’s debilitation challenges us once again
Slowing down is part of the answer.
07.07.2021 – Mercury is having a good time
And nobody is stopping him (until July 20th).
09.06.2021 – Are you feeling it?
Tomorrow there will be a Solar Eclipse. Stay home and stay calm.
03.06.2021 – Push and pull of strong Saturn and weak Mars
Avoid tensions, annoyance, accidents by staying kind and patient.
27.05.2021 – Heart and Mind compete
Venus and Mercury challenge us for their dominance in their upcoming planetary war.
25.05.2021 – Total Lunar ECLIPSE on May 26th
It could get tense in the next 48hours. So connect to your inner strength and joy.
14.04.2021 – Let the sun shine in
Things are getting easier. Enjoy the gradually rising power – and take it easy at the same time.
08.04.2021 – Good news at last
Jupiter slowly gains strength while transiting through Aquarius. And we will all benefit from it.
31.03.2021 – Mercury is up to something. As usual.
Time to get out of your head and into your heart.
16.03.2021 – Tired of restrictions?
It is a good time for change. Starting inside us.
02.03.2021 – Rahu and Mars get close
It may all feel personal. But remember to take the ride and not get caught up…
05.02.2021 – Not Hunger Games, but Power Struggles
And the winner is…..up to you!
27.01.2021 – It’s a Super Pushya Thursday.
Pushya Full Moon on a Thursday is some good news at last.
19.01.2021 – Restrictions – might be the word of the month…
But we are always free in our essence. That is our richness and strength!
08.01.2021 – How real is reality?
It ain’t over till it’s over. Rahu and Ketu “eat” the other planets and cause strong delusion.
21.12.2020 – Thank you and Happy Holidays
Time to let go and recharge. Enjoy some well deserved time off.
08.12.2020 – Be kind to yourself and others
It is an extremely challenging time for all of us. Our way through is made of compassion and patience.
25.11.2020 – Not one, TWO eclipses coming up
2020 brings us almost every test there is. What will you do?
15.11.2020 – Amidst all the tension, you ought to endulge
Venus is strong to help us enjoy, while the battle between freedom and restrictions gets more intense.
14.10.2020 – Introduction to Jyotish near Köln
Guess what? I am giving a talk about Jyotish!
08.10.2020 – Jyotish at times of uncertainty
Why general worldly predictions do not help much and individual ones do.
23.09.2020 – Predict the unpredictable – Rahu and Ketu are transiting
The status quo is being shaken up as we speak. Taking it slow and not losing your head is the way to go.
16.09.2020 – Power games
Intensity is great. Too much of it is too much.
24.08.2020 – The King of all planets is home.
Sun offers strength and intensity, which can be beautiful and too much at the same time.
11.08.2020 – This Mars is on fire
Enjoy the powerful ambitious Mars, but watch out for being too bossy, controlling or angry. And stay cool.
13.07.2020 – Summer update 2020
We get a little breather, but have to continue to stay calm.
16.06.2020 – Mercury Summer 2020
The thinking planet also goes retrograde, giving yet another possibility to exaggerate. But also to review and strengthen.
05.06.2020 – Today’s Full Moon and summer eclipses
Focussing inwardly is the best we can do in the next weeks. Why not start today?
17.05.2020 – Three planets retrograde at once. That’ll be interesting.
Three planets have gone retrograde in the last week and that’s a whole lot of retrogression all at once.
15.04.2020 – Here comes the sun
Sun is exalted and we get to shine from within.
08.04.2020 – Mercury is debilitated and you can make the best of it
Give your rational mind the simple break now. And let your heart do the job.
31.03.2020 – Venus is in Taurus until July 31st
Give in to Venus and all the love and gentleness it awakens.
24.03.2020 – Mars is exalted and ready for war
Things might still get a little choppier in the next days. We we don’t have to take Mars’s invitation for conflict. Instead we can get really strong.
13.03.2020 – Experience love, not war
Mars will want all of us to engage into different kinds of conflicts in the next few weeks. But we can decide if we want that.
17.02.2020 – Mercury retrograde from Feb 17th to March 10th
It’s a good time to review and research but, please, don’t over-think it!
05.02.2020 – Venus has transited into Pisces and I love it
Find out what Venus brings specifically for you. But it will for sure be about romance, creativity and loads of fun.
21.01.2020 – Saturn transits. Which aspect of your life will be affected?
Saturn challenges us to be good humans. Dilligence, humbleness and responsibility are our best answers. And he will reward every effort we make.
17.12.2019 – Time to take it easy during Christmas and let go!
Christmas with family and a full Solar Eclipse at the same time? Could be challenging…but could also be very liberating. If you take it easy
07.11.2019 – Time to review and correct
Have you been overthinking it lately? Or the opposite? Courtesy of the logical and learned Mercury.
04.11.2019 – Jupiter is in the house
Alas, friends! Jupiter has come home and brings all kinds of positive impact. Check out what is in it for you.
17.10.2019 – Time to relax: Sun is in Libra and debilitated.
Feeling low on energy? Can’t get things done as usual? Don’t fight it (you won’t win). Just relax and enjoy!
08.10.2019 – Venus is strong in October- and it affects us all!
Venus is in its own sign during October. Can you already feel what it means for you?
04.07.2019 – Let’s keep in contact.
A lot of things have been changing for me lately. But I would like YOU to stay.
- No time like now to remain inward🧘🏼♀️🧘🏻♂️01.12.2021
The second eclipse, Mercury debilitated and the pandemic’s “last hurrah” – all can be disruptive.
- Two eclipses are testing us18.11.2021
Choose calm and reflected, instead of the up and down of it all.
- Jupiter’s debilitation challenges us once again15.09.2021
Slowing down is part of the answer.
- Mercury is having a good time 🤩07.07.2021
And nobody is stopping him (until July 20th).
- Are you feeling it? 🙄09.06.2021
Tomorrow there will be a Solar
Eclipse . Stay home and stay calm.
- Push and pull of strong Saturn and weak Mars 🤼♂️03.06.2021
Avoid tensions, annoyance, accidents by staying kind and patient.
- Heart and Mind compete27.05.2021
Venus and Mercury challenge us for their dominance in their upcoming
planetary war .
- Total Lunar ECLIPSE on May 26th 🌕25.05.2021
It could get tense in the next 48hours. So connect to your inner strength and joy.
- Let the sun shine in 🎶14.04.2021
Things are getting easier. Enjoy the gradually rising power – and take it easy at the same time.
- Good news at last 🌻08.04.2021
Jupiter slowly gains strength while transiting through Aquarius. And we will all benefit from it.
- Mercury is up to something. As usual. 🤪31.03.2021
Time to get out of your head and into your heart.
- Tired of restrictions?16.03.2021
It is a good time for change. Starting inside us.
- Rahu and Mars get close 👽02.03.2021
It may all feel personal. But remember to take the ride and not get caught up…
- Not Hunger Games, but Power Struggles 🤼♂️05.02.2021
And the winner is…..up to you!
- It’s a Super Pushya Thursday.27.01.2021
Pushya Full Moon on a Thursday is some good news at last.
- Restrictions - might be the word of the month...🙄19.01.2021
But we are always free in our essence. That is our richness and strength!
- How real is reality? 🤔08.01.2021
It ain’t over till it’s over. Rahu and Ketu “eat” the other planets and cause strong delusion.
- Thank you and Happy Holidays 🎅🎄21.12.2020
Time to let go and recharge. Enjoy some well deserved time off.
- Be kind to yourself and others08.12.2020
It is an extremely challenging time for all of us. Our way through is made of compassion and patience.
- Not one, TWO eclipses coming up 🤪25.11.2020
2020 brings us almost every test there is. What will you do?
- Amidst all the tension, you ought to endulge 😍15.11.2020
Venus is strong to help us enjoy, while the battle between freedom and restrictions gets more intense.
- Introduction to Jyotish near Köln14.10.2020
Guess what? I am giving a talk about Jyotish!
- Jyotish at times of uncertainty08.10.2020
Why general worldly predictions do not help much and individual ones do.
- Predict the unpredictable - Rahu and Ketu are transiting23.09.2020
The status quo is being shaken up as we speak. Taking it slow and not losing your head is the way to go.
- Power games16.09.2020
Intensity is great. Too much of it is too much.
- The King of all planets is home.24.08.2020
Sun offers strength and intensity, which can be beautiful and too much at the same time.
- This Mars is on fire11.08.2020
Enjoy the powerful ambitious Mars, but watch out for being too bossy, controlling or angry. And stay cool.
- Summer update 202013.07.2020
We get a little breather, but have to continue to stay calm.
- Mercury Summer 202016.06.2020
The thinking
planet also goesretrograde , giving yet another possibility to exaggerate. But also to review and strengthen.
- Today’s Full Moon and summer eclipses.05.06.2020
Focussing inwardly is the best we can do in the next weeks. Why not start today?
- Three planets retrograde at once. That’ll be interesting.17.05.2020
Three planets have gone retrograde in the last week and that’s a whole lot of retrogression all at once.
- Here comes the sun 🙂15.04.2020
Sun is exalted and we get to shine from within.
- Mercury is debilitated and you can make the best of it08.04.2020
Give your rational mind the simple break now. And let your heart do the job.
- Venus is in Taurus until July 31st31.03.2020
Give in to Venus and all the love and gentleness it awakens.
- Mars is exalted and ready for war24.03.2020
Things might still get a little choppier in the next days. We we don’t have to take Mars’s invitation for conflict. Instead we can get really strong.
- Experience love, not war13.03.2020
Mars will want all of us to engage into different kinds of conflicts in the next few weeks. But we can decide if we want that.
- Mercury retrograde from Feb 17th to March 10th17.02.2020
It’s a good time to review and research but, please, don’t over-think it ! 🙂
- Venus has transited into Pisces and I love it05.02.2020
Find out what Venus brings specifically for you. But it will for sure be about romance, creativity and loads of fun.
- Saturn transits. Which aspect of your life will be affected?21.01.2020
Saturn challenges us to be good humans. Dilligence, humbleness and responsibility are our best answers. And he will reward every effort we make.
- Time to take it easy during Christmas and let go!17.12.2019
Christmas with family and a full Solar
Eclipse at the same time? Could be challenging…but could also be very liberating. If you take it easy
- Time to review and correct07.11.2019
Have you been overthinking it lately? Or the opposite? Courtesy of the logical and learned Mercury.
- Jupiter is in the house04.11.2019
Alas, friends! Jupiter has come home and brings all kinds of positive impact. Check out what is in it for you.
- Time to relax: Sun is in Libra and debilitated.17.10.2019
Feeling low on energy? Can’t get things done as usual? Don’t fight it (you won’t win). Just relax and enjoy!
- Venus is strong in October- and it affects us all!08.10.2019
Venus is in its own sign during October. Can you already feel what it means for you?
- Let’s keep in contact.04.07.2019
A lot of things have been changing for me lately. But I would like YOU to stay.