
Vedic Astrology is a great tool that can shine light onto person’s financial situation and onto one’s relationship to money in general.

It can also help us gain a perspective of timing around finances in our life: when is best timing for financial growth and opportunities (such as investments), or when is best time to be a little more careful, spend less, save more and pay off one’s debt.

Jyotish guides us towards understanding of what area of our life is most potent for financial growth and what area is causing us financial loss or where we simply tent to spend more.

One of the most important subjects that Jyotish can help us with

To study your financial situation throughout life we will work with your Natal Chart and use Prasna to see where you are at now.

Muhurta is recommended if you are planning a new financial venture, such as investments, buying or selling a property, etc.

Find out

  • How you relate to money and how this effects your life.
  • How to best deal with economies and/or property.
  • Why are you facing challenges with finances.
  • The best way to navigate through difficult financial phases.
  • The right timing for investing money, buying property, etc.
  • What life holds for you in terms of financial situations at different times, etc.

Get in touch to find out if Jyotish is the right thing for you. I’m happy to answer your questions!
Daria Aichinger

✆ +49 173 6084618

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Consultation topics

Love and Relationships

During our lives we interact with those around us and create and experience different relationships: romantic, professional, family relationships and so on. Jyotish shines light on the connections we have and how we can improve them or learn from them.

Career matters

Whether you are stuck in your current career or feel that your professional interests are changing, Jyotish can help you navigate the turbulent waters of change and help you make meaningful and authentic decisions.

Health questions

Vedic Astrology is a great tool that can be used to describe our physical make up. It can point out where the strengths and weaknesses are in our body and why.

Decisions to be made

Every day we make decisions. Some affect the outcome of our day or the following weeks, and some affect the rest of our lives! Jyotish helps us answer specific questions and guides us in our decision making process.

Business astrology

Where and when businesses are started can already define the outcome of the venture. The people involved are major factors for success. And, timing is everything when it comes to business. Jyotish is the tool that combines knowledge of them all to help your venture grow and blossom.

Finding your purpose

All of us at some point have questions such as:  What is the meaning of life? What is my purpose in life? What did I come here to do? Jyotish shines light onto these questions.


Vedic Astrology is a great tool that can answer many questions about your personal financial situation and decisions that you make regarding your money.

Family concerns/questions

We all strive toward harmonious relationships with our family members, and it is not always easy. The illuminating wisdom of Jyotish will point out how we can improve our connections to our family members and answer questions about creating our own family.